Forthcoming Events


Would you like to be part of the Addingham Jumble Trail to be held on Sunday 4th May 2025, organised by Addingham Environment Group?

Rather than send unwanted goods to recycling set up a table outside your home or at one of the hubs in the village, and let your unwanted goods find a new home.

Charge as much or as little you wish. Donate as much or as little as you wish to a charity of your choosing

The Environment Group is charging £5 per household to cover costs of setting up the event and producing leaflets.

Entries open 1 March 2025

Previous Jumble Trails have seen the village adorned with up to 40 stalls. Some photos can be found here.

Wildlife Meetings

Meeting Notes

March 2021

Contact us


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Wildlife Friendly

We have many ongoing village projects on different wildlife groups including bats, hedgehogs, birds, butterflies, bees, wildflowers and trees. Our biodiversity group meets at the beginning of each year to plan the year ahead. At the end of the year we try to produce reports on our findings and observations. Many of our records are sent on to the Wharfedale Naturalists Society (WNS) and WNS in turn transfer their data to the West Yorkshire Ecology Service (WYES) in Wakefield. The WYES database is especially important as this is one of the primary sources of information for local authorities and builders in assessing the biodiversity impact of proposed developments in planning applications.

Having started up as recently as 2016 it is too soon to say whether any of our wildlife species year on year are increasing or decreasing but we are now beginning to develop a good understanding of our wildlife populations and we are able to identify populations at risk. We are, for example, concerned about hedgehogs, about several bird species (such as curlew, swift and grey wagtail), about brown trout in the becks and about our wildflowers.

These pages describes our main projects and gives details of our local nature reserves. We also present notes from our meetings.