Forthcoming Events

The next Jumble trail is due to be held on 4th May 2025

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About Introduction

We started in 2016 as a very small group set up by the village Civic Society to raise awareness about climate change and biodiversity loss and to explore what we could do locally to tackle these major global challenges.

We are now, in 2024, a group of over 300 village residents, almost 10% of the population, trying to make a difference in the way we live and work.
Our activities are guided by sustainability principles with respect to climate change, water management, waste reduction and wildlife protection, as set out in these web pages. We also have a special junior section we call our “Saplings”. These are children who meet on a Saturday morning once a month to learn more about nature in an interesting and very practical way.

About AEGSaturday morning is also the time we do most of our village volunteering including tree and hedge planting, mini-wildflower meadow creation and management and invasive species clearance. We have sub-groups monitoring our bird, bees and butterfly populations and run two community allotments.

More widely we are founder members of Climate Action Addingham (CAA) helping to promote environmental stewardship best practice across the whole village. In 2023, under the auspices of CAA, we conducted a questionnaire survey across a random selection of 200 village households. The results can be seen here. They indicate that over 90% of our householders are concerned or very concerned about climate change but they also indicate that there is much more we could and should be doing about it. Our Environment Group mission is to help everyone make the transition to more sustainable lifestyles.