Far Bank
Bradford Wildlife Area – Evaluation Against Local Wildlife Site Criteria
Site Name/ Code: Far Bank, Addingham, BWA 069 Location: south of Addingham
Date of Survey: 27/07/2012
Surveyor: E. Skinner, West Yorkshire Ecology
Grid Reference: SE076491
Site Area (Ha): 2 lengths of hedgerow plus 1.53 proposed LWS boundary (3.06 original BWA boundary)
Natural Area: Southern Pennines
Public Access: footpath through site, old Roman Road
NVC Communities: B6 (Phase 1), B22 (Phase 1), MG6, MG9
Site Description
Far Bank is located about 500m to the south of Addingham. The adjacent land is mostly improved grassland fields, which are grazed by cows. There are also some wooded/ scrubby sections adjacent to the site. An old Roman trackway, named Street, runs through the site. The site follows this old track and is fairly linear, spanning about 850m in length, with an average width of about 30m.
The far western part of the site is largely covered by MG6 neutral grassland. This contains species including: frequent Lolium perenne, occasional Cynosurus cristatus, Dactylis glomerata, Holcus lantaus, Alopecurus pratensis, Ranunculus acris, Rumex acetosa and Trifolium repens.
There are old hedge-
Further to the east, the site broadens out a bit, and becomes scrubbier. There is a south-
There is another area of scrub, on the other side of the track-
The eastern part of the site contains more diverse neutral grassland, including B22, MG9 and MG10. The B22 is present on a south-
There is a hedgerow on the eastern boundary of the B22 field, and this contains: occasional Alnus glutinosa, Crataegus monogyna and Ilex aquifolium, and rare Corylus avellana, Acer pseudoplatanus, Sambucus nigraand Fraxinus excelsior.
On the other side of the hedge is a damper field, with MG9 neutral grassland and MG10 rush-
The MG10 grassland is host to: frequent Holcus lanatus, occasional Lotus pedunculatus, Rumex acetosa, Cirsium palustre, Agrostis stolonifera, Stellaria graminea, Deschampsia cespitosa, Crataegus monogyna, Angelica sylvestris, Dactylohriza fuchsii, Festuca rubra and Galium aparine, locally frequent Juncus acutiflorus, Filipendula ulmaria and Urtica dioica, and rare Mentha aquatica, Salix fragilis, Galium palustre, Caltha palustre, Valeriana officinalis and Juncus effusus.
The MG9 grassland is contains: frequent Deschampsia cespitosa, occasional Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Stellaria graminea, Agrostis stolonifera, A. capillaris, Arrhenatherum elatius, Angelica sylvestris, Cirsium arvense and C. palustre, and rare Sanguisorba officinalis and Calystegia sepium.
There is a spring running through part of the MG10/ MG9 and there is a small section of Phragmites australis present.
Bordering the east of the site is a grassland section that also looked to be fairly species rich. This was therefore also surveyed, although it was not possible to access the area so species visible from the adjacent path were recorded. This section is recorded as B22 (outside current boundary). The species include: frequent Agrostis capillaris, occasional Lotus corniculatus, Pilosella officinarum, Campanula rotundifolia, Dactylis glomerata and Stachys officinalis, and locally frequent Juncus effusus and Deschampsia cespitosa.
Fauna recorded during the site visit were: blackbird (in flight) and wren (alarm call). Meadow brown, small white and red admiral butterflies were seen feeding on flowers in the B22 section within the site.
Ecological Evaluation
The site meets Criteria Gr5, as the neutral grassland (B22, MG9 and M10) scores 7 points, which is within 20% of the minimum threshold for Criteria Gr3, and the site lies within 500m of Steg Holes, another qualifying grassland site.
The B22 section currently outside the site boundary, directly east of the site, may also merit inclusion. It contains at least 5 scoring species, but as it was not possible to identify the owner for permission to access the land, it was assessed using records recorded from the footpath crossing near the margin of the field.
The old hedge-
Woodland |
Wd7 |
Old hedgerows |
30m long |
8 woody species |
Pre- |
old hedgeline along Roman trackway - |
Define the boundary along the hedgerow. |
Mixed habitats and structural mosaics |
Mh3 |
Good smaller scale features for invertebrates list in Table 16 |
0.5ha |
Needs advice or an invertebrate specialist. |
5 out of 23 from features of structural importance for invertebrates table: dead wood (wet, shady), springs seepages or pools, scattered scrub, steep slopes on banks, coarse tussocky grassland |
Value for appreciation of nature |
Vanl1 |
80% of species diversity score for any habitat selection guideline and significant value for people. |
Do not use in combination with other guidelines which reduce the qualiifying scores eg Gr5, Wd6, Fe6 and Sw5. |
public footpath along old Roman trackway |
Species |
Birds |
B5 |
Good assemblage of breeding birds for particular habitat |
Listed in Table 20 with threshol ds. |
Recorded during 2012 site visit: wren (alarm call), blackbird (in flight) Previous records: lapwing, |
Invertebrates |
INV1 |
Invertebrate assemblage: UK rare or EU protected score 3, NS or UK BAP score 2; Locally notable score 1 |
15 points or more |
Recorded during 2012 site visit: red admiral, small white and meadow brown butterflies, feeding on flowers in the B22 section within the site |
Far Bank, Addingham – BWA 069 – Survey Date 27/07/2012 |
Latin Name |
Common Name |
Abundances (DAFOR)/ Comments |
MG6 neutral grassland |
Agrostis capillaris |
Common Bent |
R |
Alopecurus pratensis |
Meadow Foxtail |
O |
Cardamine pratensis |
Cuckooflower |
R |
Cerastium fontanum |
Common Mouse- |
R |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
O |
Cirsium vulgare |
Spear Thistle |
R |
Cynosurus cristatus |
Crested Dog's- |
O |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock's- |
O |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
O |
Lolium perenne |
Perennial Rye- |
F |
Plantago major |
Greater Plantain |
R |
Prunella vulgaris |
Selfheal |
R |
Ranunculus acris |
Meadow Buttercup |
O |
Ranunculus repens |
Creeping Buttercup |
R |
Rumex acetosa |
Common Sorrel |
O |
Rumex obtusifolius |
Broad- |
R |
Trifolium pratense |
Red Clover |
R |
Trifolium repens |
White Clover |
O |
Veronica chamaedrys |
Germander Speedwell |
R |
Old hedgeline |
Acer pseudoplatanus |
Sycamore |
R |
Corylus avellana |
Hazel |
R |
Crataegus monogyna |
Hawthorn |
F |
Digitalis purpurea |
Foxglove |
R |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Ash |
O |
Hedera helix |
Ivy |
R |
Ilex aquifolium |
Holly |
F |
Prunus spinosa |
Blackthorn |
O |
Quercus petraea |
Sessile Oak |
O |
Rosa arvensis |
Field- |
R |
Rubus fruticosus agg. |
Bramble |
O |
Sambucus nigra |
Elder |
R |
Ulex europaeus |
Gorse |
R |
On trodden edges of path |
Plantago major |
Greater Plantain |
O |
Poa annua |
Annual Meadow- |
O |
Ranunculus repens |
Creeping Buttercup |
O |
Trifolium repens |
White Clover |
O |
Scrub (section 2) |
Acer pseudoplatanus |
Sycamore |
R |
Crataegus monogyna |
Hawthorn |
F |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Ash |
R |
Hedera helix |
Ivy |
R |
Ilex aquifolium |
Holly |
O |
Rosa arvensis |
Field- |
R |
Sambucus nigra |
Elder |
R |
Ulex europaeus |
Gorse |
R |
B6 (section 1) neutral grassland, species poor |
Angelica sylvestris |
Wild Angelica |
O |
Cardamine pratensis |
Cuckooflower |
R |
Cerastium fontanum |
Common Mouse- |
R |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
O |
Cirsium palustre |
Marsh Thistle |
O |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock's- |
O |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
F |
Lotus pedunculatus |
Greater Bird's- |
R |
Ranunculus repens |
Creeping Buttercup |
F |
Rumex acetosa |
Common Sorrel |
O |
Stellaria graminea |
Lesser Stitchwort |
R |
Stellaria alsine |
Bog Stitchwort |
O |
Scrub (section 1) |
Acer pseudoplatanus |
Sycamore |
R |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
O |
Crataegus monogyna |
Hawthorn |
F |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
Tufted Hairgrass |
R |
Digitalis purpurea |
Foxglove |
O |
Dryopteris filix- |
Male- |
O |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Ash |
R |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
O |
Hyacinthoides non- |
Bluebell |
R |
Ranunculus repens |
Creeping Buttercup |
R |
Rubus fruticosus agg. |
Bramble |
F |
Sambucus nigra |
Elder |
O |
Stellaria media |
Common Chickweed |
R |
Ulex europaeus |
Gorse |
F |
Urtica dioica |
Common Nettle |
O |
Veronica chamaedrys |
Germander Speedwell |
R |
Viola riviniana |
Common Dog- |
R |
MG1 neutral grassland |
Arrhenatherum elatius |
False Oat- |
F |
Centaurea nigra |
Common Knapweed |
R |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
O |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock’s- |
F |
Digitalis purpurea |
Foxglove |
R |
Festuca rubra |
Red Fescue |
F |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
F |
Torilis japonica |
Upright Hedge- |
R |
Urtica dioica |
Common Nettle |
O |
B6 (section 2) neutral grassland, species poor |
Agrostis stolonifera |
Creeping Bent |
O |
Alopecurus pratensis |
Meadow Foxtail |
O |
Cirsium vulgare |
Spear Thistle |
R |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock’s- |
F |
Elytrigia repens |
Common Couch |
R |
Galium aparine |
Cleavers |
O |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
F |
Rumex obtusifolius |
Broad- |
R |
Urtica dioica |
Common Nettle |
O |
B22 semi- |
Achillea millefolium |
Yarrow |
O |
Agrostis stolonifera |
Creeping Bent |
O |
Alopecurus pratensis |
Meadow Foxtail |
R |
Angelica sylvestris |
Wild Angelica |
R |
Campanula rotundifolia |
Harebell |
R |
Centaurea nigra |
Common Knapweed |
O |
Cerastium fontanum |
Common Mouse- |
R |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
O |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock’s- |
O |
Dactylorhiza fuchsii |
Common Spotted- |
R |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
Tufted Hairgrass |
O |
Elytrigia repens |
Common Couch |
R |
Equisetum palustre |
Marsh Horsetail |
R |
Festuca rubra |
Red Fescue |
F |
Galium aparine |
Cleavers |
O |
Heracleum sphondylium |
Hogweed |
O |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
F |
Juncus inflexus |
Hard Rush |
R |
Phalaris arundinacea |
Reed Canary- |
R |
Phleum pratense |
Timothy |
R |
Plantago lanceolata |
Ribwort Plantain |
O |
Prunella vulgaris |
Selfheal |
R |
Ranunculus repens |
Creeping Buttercup |
O |
Rumex acetosa |
Common Sorrel |
O |
Senecio jacobaea |
Common Ragwort |
O |
Sonchus asper |
Prickly Sow- |
O |
Stachys officinalis |
Betony |
O |
Stellaria graminea |
Lesser Stitchwort |
O |
Stellaria alsine |
Bog Stitchwort |
O |
Trifolium pratense |
Red Clover |
R |
Trifolium repens |
White Clover |
O |
Hedgerow |
Acer pseudoplatanus |
Sycamore |
R |
Alnus glutinosa |
Alder |
O |
Corylus avellana |
Hazel |
R |
Crataegus monogyna |
Hawthorn |
O |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Ash |
R |
Ilex aquifolium |
Holly |
O |
Sambucus nigra |
Elder |
R |
MG10 rush- |
Agrostis stolonifera |
Creeping Bent |
O |
Angelica sylvestris |
Wild Angelica |
O |
Caltha palustris |
Marsh- |
R |
Cardamine pratensis |
Cuckooflower |
R |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
O |
Cirsium palustre |
Marsh Thistle |
O |
Crataegus monogyna |
Hawthorn |
O |
Dactylorhiza fuchsii |
Common Spotted- |
O |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
Tufted Hairgrass |
O |
Festuca rubra |
Red Fescue |
O |
Filipendula ulmaria |
Meadowsweet |
LF |
Galium aparine |
Cleavers |
O |
Galium palustre |
Marsh- |
R |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
F |
Juncus acutiflorus |
Sharp- |
LF |
Juncus effusus |
Soft- |
R |
Lotus pedunculatus |
Greater Bird's- |
O |
Mentha aquatica |
Water Mint |
R |
Ranunculus repens |
Creeping Buttercup |
F |
Rumex acetosa |
Common Sorrel |
O |
Salix fragilis |
Crack- |
R |
Stellaria graminea |
Lesser Stitchwort |
O |
Torilis japonica |
Upright Hedge- |
R |
Urtica dioica |
Common Nettle |
LF |
Valeriana officinalis |
Common Valerian |
R |
MG9 neutral grassland |
Agrostis capillaris |
Common Bent |
O |
Agrostis stolonifera |
Creeping Bent |
O |
Angelica sylvestris |
Wild Angelica |
O |
Arrhenatherum elatius |
False Oat- |
O |
Calystegia sepium |
Hedge Bindweed |
R |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
O |
Cirsium palustre |
Marsh Thistle |
O |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock’s- |
O |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
Tufted Hairgrass |
F |
Festuca rubra |
Red Fescue |
O |
Holcus lanatus |
Yorkshire- |
F |
Sanguisorba officinalis |
Great Burnet |
R |
Stellaria graminea |
Lesser Stitchwort |
O |
B22 (just outside site boundary) semi- |
Agrostis capillaris |
Common Bent |
F |
Campanula rotundifolia |
Harebell |
O |
Carex flacca |
Glaucous Sedge |
LF |
Cirsium arvense |
Creeping Thistle |
R |
Cirsium palustre |
Marsh Thistle |
R |
Crataegus monogyna |
Hawthorn |
R |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock's- |
O |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
Tufted Hairgrass |
LF |
Juncus effusus |
Soft- |
LF |
Lotus corniculatus |
Common Bird's- |
O |
Pilosella officinarum |
Mouse- |
O |
Stachys officinalis |
Betony |
O |
Urtica dioica |
Common Nettle |
R |
Fauna |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
Wren |
Turdus merula |
Blackbird |
Maniola jurtina |
Meadow Brown |
feeding on flowers in B22 |
Pieris rapae |
Small White |
feeding on flowers in B22 |
Vanessa atalanta |
Red Admiral |