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Latest News

March 2024

Ian Benson’s Zero Waste Recycling...

January 2024

Climate Change Questionnaire

December 2023

CAA One Year On

October 2023

CAA Town Meeting, Village Questionnaire on Climate Change...

September 2023

The Jumble Trail

August 2023

Balsam bashing, trout pool, blister packs, jumble...

Forthcoming Events

The 2024 dates for our four themed weeks are now fixed in the village calendar:

Zero Waste Week: 11th – 16th March

Wildlife Week: 22nd – 29th June

Water Week: 13th – 20th July

Zero Carbon Week: 23rd – 28th September

Contact us


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Environment Weekend

Newsletter July 2023 Page 1

Newsletter July 2023 Page 2